Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Celebration Station

    Quarterly reports of DEI efforts across the state

  • Education

    The latest in DEI education, programs and news

  • DEI Toolkits

    Resources to help your organization with DEI efforts

  • Meet Our Team

    LeadingAge California creates an Equity Cabinet


Is your community inclusive of its LGBTQ members? Take nine minutes to watch this QuickCast and learn how to provide equitable and culturally responsive services to LGBTQ older adults. Access the new session on Promoting LGBTQ Inclusivity in Aging Services for free on the Learning Hub and explore other diversity and inclusion resources.


Articles listed below support each phase of the LeadingAge California DEI Roadmap.

Phase 1: DEI Preparation


Phase 2: DEI Planning


Phase 3: DEI Implementation


Phase 4: Evaluate Progress


Phase 5: Maintenance of DEI Initiatives


Additional Articles


The LeadingAge Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is an internship program in the field of aging designed to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Summer Enrichment Program is supported by LeadingAge and its members. LEARN MORE



Need support?

Contact LeadingAge California staff for support and training referrals.


DEI Sponsors